Minimising Anxiety & Depression Workshop

Minimising Anxiety & Depression Workshop

Learn practical strategies and evidence-based techniques to manage anxiety and depression symptoms while improving overall well-being. This session will include elements of positive psychology and laughter yoga to brighten your day. We’ll finish off with a short...
Positive Psychology for Parents Workshop

Positive Psychology for Parents Workshop

Parents, this one’s for you! Dive into practical and down-to-earth tips for improving your parenting skills and nurturing happier, flourishing children. Explore the PERMAH model of Positive Psychology, focusing on Positive Emotions, Positive Relationships,...
Power of Forgiveness Caerphilly

Power of Forgiveness Caerphilly

An empowerment and wellbeing workshop on forgiveness which will be delivered to a men’s mental health walk and talk group Men.Talk.Walk (the second workshop we’ve delivered so far to this community in Abertridwr, Caerphilly). During this workshop, we teach...
Self-Love for Men Workshop

Self-Love for Men Workshop

We’ve been invited for the first time by Shaun Cook to present this amazing, tried and tested workshop to his Men.Talk.Walk mental health group. Self-love is an important practice to cultivate self-compassion, forgiveness and self-care. By focusing on being the...
Joy – Soup4TheSoul Online Workshop

Joy – Soup4TheSoul Online Workshop

Soup4TheSoul is a series of free online workshops (following our successful offline series) to help you learn, grow and become happier. If you’re feeling stuck, perhaps a victim of self-sabotage, struggling with low confidence, hurting from past experiences or...

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