Menopause Wellbeing in Action Workshop


Embrace holistic health practices to reduce and eliminate your menopause symptoms


Welcome to our comprehensive 3 hour workshop designed to help you thrive during the menopause transition and beyond.

Join us for an engaging and uplifting experience that combines yoga, laughter yoga, nutrition advice and support, positive psychology, and reflexology techniques to support your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

How Does it Benefit Me? 

During the 3-hour session, you will learn:


Yoga for Menopause with Geri Norris

Discover how specific yoga poses and breathing techniques can alleviate common menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings. Improve your flexibility, balance, and energy levels while enjoying a gentle and nurturing practice.


Laughter Yoga with Mel Jones

Laugh your way to better health! Laughter yoga is a fun and effective way to reduce stress, boost your immune system, improve sleep and increase your sense of happiness and connection. Also helps shrink the belly fat (just 10 minutes of Laughter Yoga provides the same physical benefits as jogging for 30 minutes on a treadmill). No experience required, just an open mind and a willingness to play.

Nutrition for Menopause

Nutritional Facts and Diet Tips for Menopause with Joanne Crovini

Get informed about the latest research on menopause and nutrition. Learn which foods and supplements can support your hormonal balance, bone health, and cardiovascular health. Discover delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes that will nourish your body and delight your taste buds.

Positive Psychology for Menopause

Positive Psychology for Menopause with Mel Jones & Esther Apoussidis

Shift your mindset from negative to positive and transform your menopause experience. Explore evidence-based strategies to cultivate resilience, self-compassion, gratitude, and meaning in your life. Enhance your emotional intelligence and learn how to communicate effectively with yourself and others.

Facial Reflexology for Menopause

Facial Reflexology for Menopause with Esther Apoussidis

Learn simple and effective reflexology techniques that you can do anytime and anywhere to relieve common menopause symptoms, such as headaches, hot flashes, insomnia, and digestive issues. Discover how reflexology can activate your natural healing abilities and bring you back to balance.

Meet Your Instructors

Our workshop is led by experienced professionals who understand the challenges of menopause and can guide you towards practical solutions that work for you. Here’s a short bio of your teachers:

Geri Norris - Bio Pic

Geri Norris

Owner of Aura Yoga and yoga teacher of 30+ years with accreditation in Menopause Yoga™ and complementary homeopathy treatments.

Joanne Crovini - Cardiff Nutritionist

Joanne Crovini

Known as the Cardiff Nutritionist, Joanne Crovini specialises in women’s health and wellbeing. She runs a free Perimenopause Basics Masterclass, which covers top tips for managing perimenopause through diet. 

Mel Jones - PP ambassador and Laughter Yoga Leader

Mel Jones

Mel is a passionate ambassador of the PERMAH model of Positive Psychology (PP), trained by the PP lead in the UK, Miriam Akhtar. She is also an accredited Laugher Yoga Leader.

Esther Apoussidis - Reflexologist for Menopause

Esther Apoussidis

Esther is a member of the FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) and has been a qualified reflexologist since 2018, with specialism in reflexology for menopause (an adapted technique that includes foot, hand and facial reflexology). She is also an accredited energy alignment mentor and qualified meditation teacher (featured on InsightTimer).

Past Participant Testimonials

Discover what participants shared from our last Menopause Wellbeing in Action workshop:

Absolutely amazing ❤️

Facilities were good. It was a great day!

Learned a lot of techniques & useful info.

Biggest takeaways were yoga work & nutrition. But everything was enlightening.

Loved all of it!

When and Where is the Next Workshop?

We run these on a periodic basis. The next one runs in October 2023. See below for details.


Sunday, 8th October 2023

12.30pm to 3.30pm


The Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly CF83 1JL


£25 (grant subsidised)

Register Your Place Today!

Places are limited, so reserve your spot as soon as you can. You can choose to pay cash on the day or now by card (follow instructions given during the registration process). Once you have signed up, you will receive an email confirmation with details on what you will need for the day as well as an outline of the programme (check your spam/promotion folders).

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